Words to Sentences Header Graphic


     Learning to write good sentences in English can often be hard, especially for native speakers of other
languages. To make writing sentences easier, Words to Sentences uses graphics to show the way the English
language works. Besides the graphics, there are lists, exercises, and summaries.

     ORGANIZATION: 1. Building blocks — parts of speech
                                   2. Modules — phrases, clauses
                                   3. Products — simple, compound, complex, compound/complex sentences

     COLOR CODING: To identify parts of sentences, color coding is used. Words are printed in the color
of their role. Roles of phrases or clauses are identified by a colored frame. The color key is repeated at several
locations. For persons having difficulty recognizing colors, the words are underlined.

A Self-Study Computer Program

     By studying the basic parts of the English sentence and then putting them together in phrases and clauses,
you will follow the structures logically in the program's explanations and exercises. You also will later have
the opportunity to practice writing what you have learned.
     After completing the program, you should be able to write in more sophisticated sentences and to express
your ideas to others with greater clarity.

Structure Teaching Aids

     Starting with the basic parts of the sentence, the program progresses to phrases, clauses, and then to
complete sentences. Included is a PowerPoint program as well as handouts, exercises, and My List files for
duplication. Students use My List as a notebook for recording English structures that they hear or read.


Copyright 2010, Martha Hadsel - Contact email: sales@wordstosentences.com